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Newspaper Articles

All articles were written for the University of Northwestern—St. Paul's newspaper,
the UNW Examiner (Lifestyle Section).

Newspaper Articles: Text

God creates beautiful stories at UNW

May 2021

"God is handcrafting beautiful stories on the University of Northwestern–St. Paul’s campus. These stories are lived out by future Eagles, current students, those graduating this spring and graduates"

Newspaper Articles: Work

The highlight of 2020: Hamilton on DisneyPlus

October 2020

This summer, amidst the chaos of the pandemic, people were given a golden nugget: Hamilton on DisneyPlus.

Can be found on Page 5

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Newspaper Articles: Work

Students discover the brighter side of life

May 2020

An article about student life and how they were dealing with quarantine during the virus.

"It was expected that students would simply return to their normal lives after spring break, but there was a plot twist, and it was something everyone thought was just temporary."

Newspaper Articles: Work

Finding the Mister Rogers inside all of us

December 2019

This article was a review written about the movie 'A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.'

"I was ecstatic to see the new movie, 'A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,' which was inspired by a true story and released on Nov. 22, 2019. It was given a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes and Paul Asay, a critic for Plugged In, said, 'Many a movie will make you laugh or cry or think. But very few make you want to be a better person.'"

Newspaper Articles: Work

A new kind of 'Maleficent' in exciting sequel

November 2019

This article was written as a review for the sequel Maleficent movie. 

"I had the joy of seeing “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” the sequel to the first live-action movie released in 2014, starring Angelina Jolie. The second movie was released on Oct. 18, 2019, making more than $150 million at the box office."

Newspaper Articles: Work

'The Real Inspector Hound' is a mysterious, comedic journey

October 2019

I wrote this as a review for a play that my college was performing.

I had the great pleasure of seeing “The Real Inspector Hound” at the University of Northwestern — St. Paul, which was originally written by Tom Stoppard in 1962. This one-act play, directed by Daniel McLaughlin (who graduated from UNW in 2011), is split up into three parts and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats all while laughing.
Newspaper Articles: Work

"I just had a chance to read The Examiner review of "The Real Inspector Hound" that you wrote. Well done! I loved your style of writing and you do a theatre/play review very well! Great job!"

Jennifer Hunter

Artistic Director and Professor of Theatre

Newspaper Articles: Quote
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